Grandma’s Way Pt 2

  “Is it you?” I heard in my summer dream, a few days after I saw Grandma’s eyes on me. I’d been walking by her window for months. I’d never heard her voice or even caught her attention so far as I knew. I never saw her eyes. I...

Grandma’s Way

I saw her on the way back home from work. Everyday. Just walkin’ by didn’t make me anyone special, but I wondered about her after a time. Sometimes she would look at her arm, or perhaps it was her wrist. Sometimes she was sippin’ something. Coffee,...

Getting Through

I sit inside and I wonder about the weather out there Just there Just outside of my skin air people politic metadata Sometimes my internal personal space is a cabin Sometimes it is a castle I have to admit feeling lost in it Not all the time, but enough to notice Is...

The Valuelessness of Wild Things

Something I heard or saw Something I felt A thing? A part Apart? Inside Or an outsider Bound and restless Waiting to run free Like horses “A free spirit” “Folks don’t like nobody being too proud or too free” Is freedom a form of wildness?...