Ooh Child

Once and again Here we are It’s deep on this end Personally uncomfortable Ooh child I showed up with my pants on backwards and shoes untied Once and again So much easier And harder Than it was before Ooh child I showed up and I knew there was a chance of...

USA Nonnet

America seems so full of rage Proof displayed in our sarcasm Biting wit that says so much This anger bleeds like wounds Betrays we’re white hot The joke is told And it shines Perceived Shame
For the Morning Sip

For the Morning Sip

It could be an oxymoron Like Decaf coffee Or democratic racism Or just words on a page A wall A tattoo on an elbow When you draw on rocks What does that change? You, I think There are ghosts in the machine Or smoke blown up an arse Perhaps this is too political for a...

Sacrifice – an A Word With You Press Submission

I was given the country Scotland at random. I promise. I wrote a poem about it, but then it modified itself. The story called Sacrifice is what came out. Below is the original poem. In Scotland, I am asleep and there are winds blowing Light and time and rock and star...