I am / We are – A TLA Group Poem

I am / We are – A TLA Group Poem

Written in parts by the students of the TLA Course, Saturated Selfies: Sandy Bot-­Miller, Janet Toone, Pam Roberts, Tiffany Vakilian, and Laurie Baron.  I am not young and sexy, I am not lithe and lean, And sometimes I deflate like flattened bubble wrap or feel hard...

Sharing Wonderfulness!

I have wonderful news that needs sharing! I am being sponsored to attend the Kingdom Writers Conference in Vista, CA next month! That blesses and humbles me more than I can say. Please, if you can’t go, sponsor a writer, or better yet, sponsor TWO! If you...
Unburying My Tokens

Unburying My Tokens

I’d love to tell you all that has been going on, but the bottle is once again shaken, and the necessary bubbles are pushing the top off of my once again settled life. In the meantime, here are some words I wrote for a class about Transformative Language Arts: I...

Molding and Miracles

Wow been so busy these last weeks, and I’m taking a couple courses in TLA so I am creating a lot outside of the poet’s corner. The fruit abounds, and that makes me happy. I am being molded, and I am molding myself. It’s hard work. It’s tiring....