and surrounded by mixing sounds
and confusion
everyone shushing one another
no context for where we are
It’s not a worthless time
it dances about conundrums
beating dreams like drums
and the children scream for milk
for comfort
for context
I wish I could say it right
right enough for everyone
this one voice of mine
but the water runs
muddy and rocky
through poison and politics
no one is safe
especially in America
especially in brownish skin
in a mask or not
the names I’ve been called
the titles I’ve been given
the people who love me
digging deep below epithelial
trying to build love like it has handles
trying to give
bridges and connections
Nancy nuance strikes again
a gong
connecting the dots to truth
not social media arguments
and Snopes articles
there are drums beating
in the high tide of our ignorance
our convenience
I’ve been quiet for you
I’ve been hiding in my gilded tower
slinging silence without context
holding close my mixed-race babies
pretending I can
teach them something true
tell them a straight answer about this world
this hurled rock
this hurl
of mud