Last night I was having the time of my life-ish.
Without reading one word of my own; while simply being my normal outrageous self – I was said to be part of an axis of evil (in a “term of endearment” kinda way… I know, right?), and that I should have my own talk-show with my Tiffanyzed Dr. Phil flare called “Dinner at Tiffany’s”. I read two pages of a new author’s coffee shop book that made me feel wonderfully emotive. I ate salad that made me flip out. I read Shakespeare, and gave literary responses to poetry from a beautifully-in-love Slovak woman that started the whole “Dinner at Tiffany’s” commentary. I bucked up and asked to submit dual-expression to a larger audience, and wasn’t rejected. I coveted a steampunk light-ray. I free-styled for a new friend to his “griot tracks”, and I listened to two beautiful songs, the more beautiful one being about Frankenstein.
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(c) 2000 Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust |
It was a crazy four hours.
The reason I joined this group initially was to get out of my writing comfort zone.
I have admittedly grown to love this group of people (in a pretty initial, rather shallow way to be sure). We listen to or read each other’s work and comment with constructive criticisms. We don’t pull punches, but we aren’t jerks (mostly). And when something is good, we say so, even as we offer opinions on how to tighten loose screws and oil gears that need it.
We are writers. We want to improve. Our group does all kinds of things, not the least of which includes Dime Stories submissions, A Word With You Press Writing Contests, and of course our Anti-Social Writers and Creative Misfits weekly writing club (the basic rules of which you are about to read -personal highlights in bold):
GATHER TIME: 615PM. ( The plan is to give folks time eat food and drink drinks, anti-socially chat a bit. AND THE REAL WORK STARTS PROMPTLY AT 7PM. )
-We a convivial group & serious writers (many of us have been published in various forms). Please bring up to 5 pages each session of your novel, memoir, short story, screen play. And be prepared to listen closely and critique others’ work, intelligently and respectfully.
-We do have fun and then clear the desks and work hard. Please come only if you are willing to both read and critique others’ work.
-IT IS OK TO “JUST SHOW UP, MAGICALLY APPEAR!” But it is better to RSVP so others attending will know how many copies of their work to bring.
-READERS ‘n RESPONDERS WELCOME! Those who love to write and have a story to tell will love this meetup! Come prepared to read your work (5 pages) and have the schmartest, most insightful, and useful responses to offer on your fellow writer’s work. So if this sounds like you–come be our Hero! 😉-If you cannot make a meeting and have RSVP’d YES, please change your RSVP to NO, as there may be people on the Waiting List who can use your seat at the table!-Please try to bring enough copies of your work for all members who have RSVP’d YES.-You can submit as long a piece by email as you want. And those who receive it can read as much or as little as they want. But at the meeting, the number of pages each person can read is determined by the number of folks who show up, divided by available time, square by the orbit of Uranus, allowing for solar drag, of course.( We tend to average 5 typewritten double-spaced 12 pt Times New Roman pages per participant…)
Double-spaced, size twelve Times New Roman font on tap.
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Image subject to copyright |
I’ve heard some amazing stories, some beautiful poetry, and some offensive commentary. It’s all in there. I wanted to take this moment to say THANK YOU to some of the people like Thorn, Russ, Ed, Kyle, Michele, Billy, Ronnie, Akesha, (the really tall poet guy who’s name escapes me), etc. who reminded me that I write because…(that’s another blog post). You guys inspire me to TELL THE STORY.
By definition, this post is breaking the rules. How funny would it be to read it at next week’s session to hear that very thing?
I think I will. Stay tuned!
With words, song & love,
By the way, I’m working on my Dual-Expression workshops (which started me on the path to even think about joining this group). Thorn Sully (oh captain my captain of A Word With You Press) and I are currently discussing how best to share our love of words and wordsmithing with the known world (and perhaps parts unknown…). Again I say, stay tuned.