I am still here. I am just not, here right now. I am molting right now, and my wings are still wet…

© Barndog Photography 2009

Sometimes this is a good thing to admit. Sometimes it is not.

While there is poetry in me wanting (begging, nay aching) to come out, I must admit to not having the energy to present it at its best just yet. Work, art, friends and family are occupying my mind, time and space and I have to experience those things in order to write about them later. Those of you walking with me right now are smiling, laughing, praying and waiting.

Stay tuned.

And in the meantime, please check out my submission to A Word With You Press‘s first annual  Write-of-Passage Contest in honor of our recently passed friend and writer Peggy Dobbs. Here’s the link. It is a tribute to both Peggy Dobbs and William Shakespeare.

Please let me know what you think about it.

With words, song & prayer,
Here’s where you can read me:
Yours Truly, Summer 2011
© Tiffany Monique