Gonna keep it griot (as in… I recorded these)

My friends are all artists
My friends are all magic
My friends are all crazy
Or maybe it’s just me

My friends are all strong
My friends are all loyal
My friends are all weirdos
Or maybe it’s me

My friends are all humble
My friends are all honest
My friends are all outrageous
Or maybe it’s me

My friends are all mine
My friends are all growing
My friends are all with me
Lucky lucky me

Would like to go on the record… I think that poem is the “perfect world friend poem”, because there are times when my friends are not all of those things… but then, maybe it’s just me. Part of me wonders if I should have put a line in there like, “my friends are all gangsta…”

(c) Tiffany Monique 2013

Naaaah… I’m a lover not a fighter.

(c) 2012 Tiffany Monique