Khadijah Ali-Coleman
Author of Running: AMOK

I have tried to volunteer with Khadijah since 2009 via when there was performers using their talents for fundraising efforts after the tragedy in Haiti, and I finally got around to attending a free workshop she held earlier this month about “Writing Your Life Story”. After that, I went to a free preview of her play Running: AMOK on March 26, and was pleasantly blown away by the sheer talent of the women involved, the music, and the presentation. I am really looking forward to seeing the full production in DC during its Spring 2011 season.

Here is the DC Examiner article I wrote about her and the upcoming performance of her play. This woman is no joke, and her work ethic inspires me to increase my own self-discipline and produce. I am going to interview the other wonderfully talented ladies in the play as a prelude to my review article of the play itself, which I will attend in May of 2011. Stay tuned!

Imagine, plan, prepare, execute…
“And you will know them by their fruit”