Hold Your Head Up!

Baby girl, lil man, if don’t hold your head up.
I’ve had enough of seeing you sad mad clad with lifeabilities,
people believe you’re humble but it’s really false humility.

I’ve had enough of you being afraid, what you scared of?
What they gon’ say?
What they gon’ do?
How they gon’ act?
When they see the real you?

If you don’t take those grave clothes off?
Pretending to be dead,
they already see you and the truth is they’re scared.

They’re gonna talk about you anyway,
stare you up and down the same ol way they did Jesus when they didn’t understand,
thinking they were making room for their gifts when they crucified the gift that was making room for man.

Beautiful Queen,
stand tall King,
step on the scene with a gangsta lean pick up your dream,
do your thing,
lift up your voice and sing till earth and heaven ring,
ring with your purpose fueled by His power.

Baby girl, lil man, if don’t hold your head up,
I’ve had enough of seeing you sad mad clad with lifeabilities when your life is full of limitless possibilities.
Hold your head up!

Happy National Poetry Month!