Hello there! Here’s your Saturday post!

We came together simply for food and wine 
But then we began to tell our stories
And it tasted so good
Like pretzels in warm dip
We healed each other
Helped each other
Enjoyed each other
We brought each our own grown up girl-child magic
And by God we changed each other
Our woman-ness filled the room decadently
Like chocolate S’mores cake
It was a rite we performed
We swam together in the river beneath the river
Where our souls resided
First as individuals
And then together
We feasted on the beauty of our femininity
And became light headed on our connection
It was not the wine
It was the feral nature of ourselves to nurture one another
And oh how we did
We went skinny dipping in our stories
Naked to one another

And through our giving of personal poetry

We gave strength to ourselves

Or at least I felt it within me
And it was most satisfying

~~~ ~~~ ~~~
I’d like to dedicate the above words to the ladies I met at Ashley’s Pampered Chef Party.

We all went there with different agendas, but we were well met. We pinged each other to within an inch of sanity, and laughed the whole way! Thank you for waving your ugly drawers and pretty panties about, and sharing your stories with me. May God bless you all greatly for your present of presence and your words.

I am also humbly thankful to my sister in law, who made me go.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~

With words, song and prayer,
