Good day to you! Here is your Saturday Post!

He asked me at the launch party where I was in the book, I said something flippant like, “you were on a boat…” because I didn’t want to tell him that his book is scary to my life story, and hard to read for more than pages at a time.

Yes Fred, I am reading your book. I thank you for the acknowledgment. I am going to write a review after I’m done reading. I am humbled by every page.

Again I say, the more I read of his novel, the more I am afraid to, but the more I need to. PTSD… there’s a ping in there that links so many parts of my life. I have nothing to do with it really, but it has a LOT to do with me. I want to read more, learn more, do more, but I really feel like I need to shut up a stay here a minute with Raw Man.

Buy his book and let’s talk about it, especially if you are children of Nam Veterans.

By Fred Rivera

Fred is promoting his book and PTSD awareness. Click the image caption to see Fred’s interview on KPBS. I am quite amazed by him, if you couldn’t tell.

With words, song & prayer, TiMo

Onward Looking

© Tiffany Monique February 2014