I had the pop quiz of life in the last weeks of 2016. Every possible loose end tied up, or cauterized and let go. It was freeing. It was… well… not such a big deal when it comes to the cycles of life and what prepares you for what is coming.
What philosophies of the past have set seals in you and how do those seals prepare you for what is coming? Ask yourself.
Or don’t.
You are the consequence of your choice. Where you are standing (existentially) right now is the sum total of what you have let get you to that place. Don’t blame or congratulate God for the work you were given to do. There is/was work for you to do too.
Yes, there is/was work for you to do.
On the 30th, I danced in fog so thick that it made me look like my own magical creature and in a cool way hid my very nature from myself. The lights of the car backlit my shadow against a wall of misty rain and foggy cloud. It was that barely there, almost dancing, sexy, luminescent, whispery rain. My shadow was opaque in the middle of the road, and I still saw the idea of trees just beyond my dreamy shadow. The 31st was the same, but brighter. A bit clearer. Streets like matchsticks, covered in snow. An expectation–hindered or hidden. There was something powerful to the weather as symbols of the year.
Just as there was something to the crazy beautiful morning of the first day in 2017. From the haze to the clarity–or something like that.
Happy New Year © Tiffany Vakilian 2017
Let’s not look back with regret, if we must look back. Every morning that has come and gone has left its mark in us, some more than others. And before you forget, the year is new.
I told my cousin the other day, “I think my give-a-darn went into retirement.” Later that week I told my writing group friend, “I have no “F’s” to give.” They laughed, but there is something to it.
The sum total can be affected. Reinvented. Rebranded and repurposed, so that when you lay down for the last time, you can know the fullness of your worth and the gift you gave to the world that you can’t take with you. Are you ready for the fire about to start? Are they ready for the tinder to catch?
I want to believe I am. But if not, I’m gonna try to be.