Good morning, I Don’t Want to Write

I have writing to complete
I really do
My character has been nagging me
Saying “we don’t hang out
Like we used to”
She says, “You’re avoiding me”
I have
“You’ve been avoiding me”
I have
“Forgetting to set time for me”
There were good reasons
Life for one
She says, “my buttbone is still on fire”
Because that is the last scene I completed
And she is still sitting there
She would very much like to
Or pass out
Or stand up
Or something
Anything to move forward
She is insistent
Almost rude
“Write me out of here!”
She says
“Let me breathe!”
She says
“Only you can save me!”
She says
But I don’t want to write
I don’t
I’m busy
I’m sleepy
I’m out of my rhythm
And secretly
I don’t want to let her go
I don’t want to share her
I don’t want her to go to school
Where I can’t protect her
From the others
She says
“I’m dying of boredom and Yna needs to go down!”
She cajoles
I laugh
I acquiesce
I sigh
Ok I say
I’ll write today
But I’m not so sure about tomorrow
“Today is all there is, so good morning”
She says
“And you can reward yourself after
A paragraph
A page
Feel smug
Secretly accomplished
Please write!”
She says
And I know
I will write today
Despite the fact that

I don’t want to

I dedicate this to the writers who have school papers, stories, reviews, essays, poetry, or WHATEVER they need to do that involves that “thing” that calls to you in sleep, asking for interaction because they have something wonderful to give you, the writer, simply for stopping by and spending time with them. Get up, go to that door and walk through. I commend you for doing so, especially when you don’t want to.

With words, song & prayer, TiMo