I’m inviting Tyler Perry to “Dinner at Tiffany’s”

I’m inviting Tyler Perry to Dinner at Tiffany’s.Image subject to copyrightBecause of this prayer (posted on Facebook earlier today):Here’s a prayer for today: “God help me hold on, help me to get to what I dream of, help me to honor where I am today so...

Dedicated to A Word With You Press

Last night I was having the time of my life-ish.Without reading one word of my own; while simply being my normal outrageous self – I was said to be part of an axis of evil (in a “term of endearment” kinda way… I know, right?), and that I...

2008… A Testimony Vignette

I cleaned up my computer and found this old video clip. This is from July of 2008. Only roughly four years ago… so far back, and yet, right on time with where I am mentally. Well, in a way. On that steamy day in Baltimore, I went to Artscape. I wasn’t...

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