Two Days, 46 Years

Two Days, 46 Years

Sometimes, little one, when I hold you and you squeeze me, I know there is no other moment where I feel closer to God, or to my own best self. You are a blessing beyond words to describe. You have absorbed all of the hardened limits I thought I had for myself. You put...
Power and Insecurity…for Grace

Power and Insecurity…for Grace

In 2011, to celebrate my last day of being 33, I posted an open letter to Grace. This post came two years after the vision of her eyes rocked me. It was two years before I met my husband and six years before she was born. Now she is here, and I wonder if I told the...
Telling the Truth: Black Panther

Telling the Truth: Black Panther

Everyone looks the same In Hollywood Same size, same clothes Same look Or they don’t sell for long Telling the truth Too Black Well, to be fair We buy it Our gilded cage is here Delivered by Uber And the ones that step out Brave enough to stand out Get attacked...

Untitled 10-5-17

I choose life Even bloody life It can burn like fire The bloodiness of that word It sounded like Justification The feeling of it Bound me ’round my waist And my throat I couldn’t see my way clear Until I chose My eyes were covered And then I chose I...


I has been almost a year since so many things. It has been over a year since so many others. Time. Making love is a science that laymen practice with broken tools. But it is the brokenness that makes the beauty. Tricky little fishes. You are honoring no one when you...