Light, shadow, stairs…

I am getting over a cold. It’s a nasty thing. Still, I am not without hope and so I’ve been redeeming the time and looking into my back yard a lot. My back yard is a petri dish for potential.(c) Tiffany Monique 2013I just happened to be looking out of my...

Dedicated to A Word With You Press

Last night I was having the time of my life-ish.Without reading one word of my own; while simply being my normal outrageous self – I was said to be part of an axis of evil (in a “term of endearment” kinda way… I know, right?), and that I...

From January 18th 2013 – Do you get it?

An old journal post poem prose… enjoy.There’s a coldness welling up inside me. It’s in the back, rather quieted, but sneaking like Gollum. Sneaking. Like smokey splinters up my spine.I remember staring at this shadow before.I danced as it waited,...