Raw Man #2

Good day to you! Here is your Saturday Post!There is so much more to this, but for now, here is the Examiner Article for Fred Rivera’s Book Launch. The more I read of his novel, the more I am afraid to, but the more I need to. I’m looking forward to...

Saturday Post 4.12.14

Inspired by the Image© Moneta Sleet, 1969While reviewing Hidden Treasures: A Collection of African American Facts on Examiner, I took to looking at this photo. I’ve been that mother, and I’ve been that little girl too. It is so powerful, being held. It is...

Saturday Post 3.15.14

My FriendsI am blessed with a wonderful circle of friends.Some closer than others.Some more artistic.Some speak into my soul.Some speak into my workplace.Some speak by not speaking.For exampleSarah reminds me artistically, intellectually, and spiritually to be myself...

Saturday Post 2.22.14

Sorry, no poetry or prose today. I’m distracted a bit.I’m thinking about divas.Read my article in the San Diego ExaminerI used to call my female friends diva (or goddess) a lot.In 2011 my pastor in VA decided he didn’t want any more to do with the...

Click here to read my review in SD Examiner