Saturday Post 4.12.14

Inspired by the Image© Moneta Sleet, 1969While reviewing Hidden Treasures: A Collection of African American Facts on Examiner, I took to looking at this photo. I’ve been that mother, and I’ve been that little girl too. It is so powerful, being held. It is...

A Contest From A Word With You Press

A Contest I Say! A Contest! From A Word With You Press!hThere is no greater pleasure than helping a student discover the beauty and power of the written word, but of course I am preaching to the choir.We currently have a contest open to cyberspace...

Click here to read my review in SD Examiner

VA Earthquake

Here is my checkin. I also published one on DC Examiner. I am fine.I was in a basement at the time thinking, I know what the ground is supposed to feel like so either that is a huge, long, truck, or we are definitely having an earthquake. I went outside and danced...