From an artist in DC

Hi Tiffany,Thank you for connecting, and I appreciate your message – same goes to you. I regret that I won’t be able to witness how your piece is going to unfold in the classes that follow, but I trust you will do a beautiful performance.Without going into...

Brownies and Turkish Get-ups

Today started out relatively normal (this does happen). It was Saturday and I woke a little early to watch some Saturday morning cartoons before my personal trainer, Marian, arrived. I will now refer to her as M5. Why, you ask? Well let me ‘splain…It is...

Revisiting something I wrote in September 2010

I used to walk the trails behind the Historical Mansion called “Orianda House” after work from time to time, even going so far as to take pictures because the walks were always so pretty. I took a lot of pictures for inspiration. This image was one of them.I...