

perception reality highbrow banality look around make sure your perception can learn critical thought questioning life open up the comfortable lies We are not dumb, and we are not blind. What we are is soft. We don’t want to move from our comfort zones. Our...


I hurt inside my body as I heal from my fourth cut preparing and birthing my son my daughter my son I hurt inside my heart trying to understand the world I want to teach my children to navigate like a substrate feeding on confusion and hate I hurt alone in this muddy,...
Shut In

Shut In

You needn’t believe in the power of sunlight but I do I have held bloody masses in my hand and while I don’t attribute that issue of blood to the lack of sunlight I know this to be true had I not opened my windows today I would have stayed in in fear of...
Rain. Rest. War.

Rain. Rest. War.

The rain fell like suicide soldiers I felt alone and afraid Covered in blood Not water But I see this truth Hard like sunshine She is a fighter As am I In the wake of the truth of my battles I had to let go of much Thoughts meant to obfuscate Needless There are...
Wakanda is the New Chemo

Wakanda is the New Chemo

She wished for red and black lines, made of government confidential ink She wished for hair follicles pushing through, and energy, and warmth That kind of art takes a while They don’t tell you about the minutes How can they? But my Mom’s a queen and a...