In My Mind

In My Mind

In my mind, I’ve written three poems but you wouldnt know In my office my output of late has tripled but not in poery so it waited politely smiling at me and created acid in my muse because my heart is an art generator and stuff has just got to come out And when it...
Power and Insecurity…for Grace

Power and Insecurity…for Grace

In 2011, to celebrate my last day of being 33, I posted an open letter to Grace. This post came two years after the vision of her eyes rocked me. It was two years before I met my husband and six years before she was born. Now she is here, and I wonder if I told the...
Life Lessons from Pancakes

Life Lessons from Pancakes

The sticky, messy, richness of it all The work of the making The cleanup The leaving Taste it all All The wrongest place found beautiful The atonal journey to peace The cherished The regret Taste it all All...
Spring Remindering

Spring Remindering

I am resting, and writing, and I must remember I am worthy I am ready I am victorious No matter the platform, firestorm, ember I am worthy I am ready I am victorious Don’t need to sell it, it is the truth I am worthy I am ready I am victorious A poet, a primer, an...