National Poetry Month 2018 #SaythatRhonda 1

National Poetry Month 2018 #SaythatRhonda 1

  Relevant Relevant Introduced through my mother’s womb. Impact hit like an elephant. The vibrations of purpose. Boom boom booms My presence is introduced before I enter the room. I don’t come alone nor am I a rebel, I’m sent, on assignment launched from another...
What you Paid For

What you Paid For

From April, 2017, with love, The hardest part is patience. The hardest part is trust. But there is a twinkling, like a drop light in the dew of a new day. I’m making a stand here. I will wait. I will trust. And I will play my part as only I can. Sometimes there...
Reconciling Salt – A Song in Chrysalis

Reconciling Salt – A Song in Chrysalis

Sometimes desert and sometimes sea I must reconcile the salt in me Grace sprinkled with, and sometimes grace-free I must reconcile the salt in me Too much is poison and too little, bland I must reconcile the salt in me Draw out the flavor and put it in demand I must...