Rainbow in the Sky

Rainbow in the Sky

Son; You let me know with a wave of God’s hand by the beautiful rainbow place in the sky the one you left as you waved goodbye in a special way I will see you soon but unlike you son I still have work to do I felt at rest when one your friends said “You...
Chelsey’s Flowchart

Chelsey’s Flowchart

This link is for my writer friends (or those who get my humor). I had a good laugh when I saw the first two lines… The Submissions Flowchart by Chelsey Clammer (WOW)  

The Loneliness of Elevation

It’s the view that calls So tempting Seems inviting as hot cocoa And then you get there And the view is incredible But it is also cold No air up there It’s too high for even a  breath of life...

Untitled 10-5-17

I choose life Even bloody life It can burn like fire The bloodiness of that word It sounded like Justification The feeling of it Bound me ’round my waist And my throat I couldn’t see my way clear Until I chose My eyes were covered And then I chose I...

The Valuelessness of Tradition

I’ve been bombarded with the thoughts of tradition Creating them Breaking them Learning from  and annoyed by them Why must it go this way? I’ve been creating new family traditions I’ve been upholding old family traditions I’ve been eschewing...