The Valuelessness of Wild Things

Something I heard or saw Something I felt A thing? A part Apart? Inside Or an outsider Bound and restless Waiting to run free Like horses “A free spirit” “Folks don’t like nobody being too proud or too free” Is freedom a form of wildness?...

Intricately Woven

  I am myself, my own, childlike and grown, and here I am with you There are destinies in future times that only I can do And yet I bet I couldn’t do it without you You are here now, your own, and not alone, because here I am with you There are cups to...

USA Nonnet 3

This broken state stands out and about I think your slip is showing dear. What is really going on? Dare we ask? Dare we know? You have only one America One question Be clear Let’s

What you Paid For

Sometimes there is a bridge burned And sometimes there is a point man Let me lift this face Let me lift this heart I see much more And there is nothing I can’t do Sitting on the strength of the bricks I paid It’s not as strong as I wanted And I’m...

USA Nonnet 2

I’d like to start in San Diego Just when you’d think its overdone Hangin’ loose while changing worlds Art is no longer blind Artists go to work Their art is war And it holds Honest Truth