
I went searching for my sex As if it weren’t always with me Foolish girl First in tight clothes I saw it in a boy’s eyes Heard it in taunts laced with adolescent wishes I went searching for it Then I thought despite the clandestine guilt one can only find...

Getting Through

I sit inside and I wonder about the weather out there Just there Just outside of my skin air people politic metadata Sometimes my internal personal space is a cabin Sometimes it is a castle I have to admit feeling lost in it Not all the time, but enough to notice Is...

The Valuelessness of Wild Things

Something I heard or saw Something I felt A thing? A part Apart? Inside Or an outsider Bound and restless Waiting to run free Like horses “A free spirit” “Folks don’t like nobody being too proud or too free” Is freedom a form of wildness?...

The Wind

Strong as destiny and soft as love You know not from whence it comes It takes you Makes or breaks you And goes on Obvious as a storm and invisible as hope You know not from whence it comes It wills you Pushes and pulls you And goes on Are you willing to go past...