Eulogy for a Rose

In the garden of life, even the most beautiful and precious roses die. Biscuit was a piece of my heart with paws. So glad he was in my life. So sad he’s gone.       Life is its own reminder to live...

Does this Sound Familiar?

I am worthy I am real I screw it up, but more than that I can have greatness I can do great things I can rise happily From my most heinous mistakes I am talented I work hard I know it, but more than that I am blessed I can bless My eyes are opening (yes, again) to My...
Snippets From Dreams

Snippets From Dreams

Sometimes in the night I have the artistic dance with word-description-images that ping me. I’ve had a couple snippets pop up that I wanted to share. They are not related, but they’ve been hopping up and down on my mind and so I figure I’ll place...
Unburying My Tokens

Unburying My Tokens

I’d love to tell you all that has been going on, but the bottle is once again shaken, and the necessary bubbles are pushing the top off of my once again settled life. In the meantime, here are some words I wrote for a class about Transformative Language Arts: I...
Happy Mother’s Day – 2016

Happy Mother’s Day – 2016

From an A Word With You Press Contest Submission. It means so many things to me now. Gravitas by Tiffany Vakilian If By missing you I learn The tactile visage of love One that is first Then I am a student If by holding you for a few Too few Sickening short moments In...