Remembering the First Time

I write the story that drives me…not in detail, but in the way of being free to write and share. Marking time, this time, I remember when I started writing this blog. This blog has transformed me. I remember who I was. I have transformed my house. I am still...
Dead is Not Dead, Nor is it The End of The Story

Dead is Not Dead, Nor is it The End of The Story

Dedicated to Fred Rivera and the power of the written word that rewrote him. Tell yourself the truth. Death never is the end of the story. He wasn’t dead. He was living on the other side of town, or country, or the shadow of my heart. Still breathing, wrapping...


Disorder is a state of mind sometimes Some would call it disorder I would call it deeper cleansing There are papers and feelings all over the place Thrown into piles and corners Need to organize for some sense of control Of the office The day Life As if the wind...
Happy Monday

Happy Monday

Some days (like many Mondays) come with a modicum of drama. I take it in stride, and do a little dual-expression. Care to join me? Feeling the words of my soul light in my throat, expressed through my fine motor skills. Pen to paper. Heart to eyes. Slowing me down and...