I want to give you a word prompt
one that will set your spirit on fire
and yet I feel like
you ain’t gonna listen anyway
so why bother
you wanna talk about inclusion
about the joys of freedom?
but you turn truth into shame
and shame those that don’t
walk in your truth
the bigotry is real
and in real-time
You don’t even know my views
But you close off any thought
not EXACTLY like you
I want to ask that one question that will get
to the bottom of the boring boorish entitlement
childrenĀ are being murdered
one legislative piece by piece
until they are cattle
waiting at the slaughterhouse
individual magics lumped together like old play-doh
until their own thoughts become mottled
groupthinking until they are helpless
full of rage and SELFISH
killing themselves because they are so ‘free’
they aren’t allowed to think critically
so many feel free to slap others with
the pursuit of their happy
as long as you agree
I wish I knew the thing to say
to open the door
for love to make a way