Black Poetry Day

Black Poetry Day

On both my little bro’s birthday AND Black Poetry Day! Wholly I pray you whole I wish you happy I hope in your completeness Chew on the fatness of your own Because you own All that can not be taken from you A million miles A million thoughts A moment...


There are no oranges right now. I lied. They’re there. The lemons too. And even the cactus fruit. The persimmons are trying. The grapefruit is not. I smelled the guava, and that was enough. I have a secret pomegranate tree. Didn’t wanna be a secret...
America on Fire

America on Fire

America’s on fire on fire and on fire America’s on fire How do we get safe? There’s debris and smoke Brotherhood feels like a joke whether sleep or woke How do we breathe? America’s on fire on fire and on fire America’s on fire How do we...


It is uncanny and I wish it were just a dream This world we live in feels like the set up to a joke The Earth getting hazed or something Are we not at war? What kind of bomb shelter is yours? And yet there is soo much too much beautiful madness to ignore taken for...
God Help Me Forgive

God Help Me Forgive

God help me I am trying to forgive It feels filthy to deal with Like the sunlight in L.A. The true abomination My brother’s keeper My brother’s killer What makes you so different from Cain? You smashed his manhood With the rock of your ego Until there was...