National Poetry Month 2018 #SaythatRhonda 5

National Poetry Month 2018 #SaythatRhonda 4

Hold Your Head Up! Baby girl, lil man, if don’t hold your head up. I’ve had enough of seeing you sad mad clad with lifeabilities, people believe you’re humble but it’s really false humility. I’ve had enough of you being afraid, what you scared of? What they gon’...
National Poetry Month 2018 #SaythatRhonda 5

National Poetry Month 2018 #SaythatRhonda 3

 Jealousy Straight face, don’t flinch, don’t frown, not an inch. Look straight ahead as though you’re focused on time and space, think about something good something lovely to keep you from smacking their smirky face. If they turn around and smile at you as...
National Poetry Month 2018 #SaythatRhonda 5

National Poetry Month 2018 #SaythatRhonda 2

 Untitled We need to have a conversation about your satiation with long drawn out hesitation while I wait for you to make a decision. A decision that you’ll never make, an opportunity you’ll never take when it comes to me and you. Your intentions are not, your purpose...
National Poetry Month 2018 #SaythatRhonda 5

National Poetry Month 2018 #SaythatRhonda 1

  Relevant Relevant Introduced through my mother’s womb. Impact hit like an elephant. The vibrations of purpose. Boom boom booms My presence is introduced before I enter the room. I don’t come alone nor am I a rebel, I’m sent, on assignment launched from another...